The Perfect Method for Finding the Perfect Man

All of us are against terrorists

having the ability to create chaos, havoc, and fear in our communities. Although we have been conditioned to fear weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), chemical attacks, and the contamination of our natural resources by enemies from abroad, most terrorists (in the absolute sense) are homegrown and come in the guise of gangbangers, serial killers, rapists, drunk drivers, etc.

Today, the American public maintains an irrational fear of the Islamic people perpetuated by government and media reports of suicide bombings and horrendous acts of violence occurring in a variety of countries. The common thread linking many of these atrocities point to Islam and devout Muslims. But the public's fear of Islam is truly motivated primarily by the fact that most people do not understand the motivating factors behind so many well-coordinated attacks that seemingly have no other purpose than to kill for the sake of killing.

The War on Terror has been framed as the good versus the bad, by both sides. And the propaganda war in the west has been won by the western powers while the propaganda war in the Middle East has been won by Islamic powers.

Who is telling the truth? And what is the truth?

That is what this book is about. The complete truth reveals a picture that becomes crystal clear as one comes to know the whole truth, rather than bits and pieces and distortions of it.

Still, we have to be open to the desire to know the truth. It isn't always a pretty picture. And often it annihilates our current perceptions and offers us an epiphany, which for some, can be difficult to accept. Nevertheless, the truth must be told and that is what I aim to do.

Despite the consistent news of suicide bombings in Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Spain and even the United Kingdom, I believe the so-called foreign "terrorists" targeted by our government, with both a derogatory label and a military death warrant, are not necessarily the type of indiscriminately violent people portrayed by the current "terrorist" image.

Before my assertion is dismissed as a "radical" notion that should immediately be squashed ... I suggest that if each of us would take the time to suppress the emotions that naturally well up at the memory of seeing 2,996 innocent Americans die in a single coordinated attack on this nation, we would find that there is far more to what we saw on September 11, 2001 than the destruction of a couple of skyscrapers in New York City by "religious fanatics who hate our way of life."

The one question Americans were asking themselves after 9-11, Spaniards asked themselves after the Madrid bombings and Britons pondered after the coordinated bombings of trains and buses in the U.K., is simply, "Why?"

Yet, instead of merely accepting the first explanation provided by anonymous sources in the government, I did my own digging, investigating and research in an effort to discover the one thing that has heretofore remained elusive throughout the escalation of fear and panic in various societies around the globe. The one thing I remained focused on discovering is simply the truth. But one has to embrace courage to face the truth, no matter how devastating it may be to one's own beliefs...if one desires to know the truth.

In the following pages of this book, I will reveal to you the unadulterated, unabashed, raw, naked truth regarding the United States' War on Terror. I will not cloud the truth or confuse the issues with double-talk. I will, however, test the loyalties of each reader to the truth. You should ask yourself whether you are adhering to something you have been told by voices in the media and the White House...or standing firm upon a foundation of knowledge gained through careful research and the analyzing of a variety of informative resources.

Finally, ask yourself if you care to even know the truth. Then delve into these pages, where everything you supposedly "knew" about governments, countries, and the society in which we live will be turned upside down.


The rationale for declaring war on Islam (a.k.a. The War on Terror) that has been provided to us by our trusted leaders in the federal government is fallacious and insidious. The very notion that the United States was, and is, the target of an irrational people whose goal is to murder Americans solely for the sake of jealousy or the advancement of the Islamic religion is preposterous. But this is precisely the propaganda being promoted by the United States government, and is the accepted reasoning behind the widespread support for U.S. military troops invading countries in the Middle East.

It is apparent that the American and British people have little knowledge about the principal "terrorist" characters in the so-called War on Terror. It is equally apparent that those who blindly support America's decision to send its men and women to fight and die in the Middle East do so for one simple reason ... they believe the lies they have been told and blindly support the decisions made by elected and non-elected individuals who sit in the seats of power within our government structure.

Many believe America has a right and duty to kill whomever our government claims is an enemy and a threat to this nation. Our government has done a terrific job of promoting the falsehood that the attacks on September 11, 2001 were unprovoked attacks on the civilian population of the United States. The problem is that millions of Americans have fallen victim to a massive lie perpetrated by liars who sit in the seats of power in our government. These propagandized victims (on both sides of the political aisle) have given their support to expanding the power of the federal government, expanding the debt of this country, paving the road for federal encroachment upon our civil liberties and offering up the brave men and women of our military as sacrifices upon the altar of blind loyalty to a corrupt government institution.

It would be nice if we could trust our leaders.

Unfortunately, many of our government leaders have been discredited and their words found to be mere lies and distortions of fact. I find it difficult to understand why millions of Americans not only lend their support to these leaders (with money and votes), but also willingly send innocent, brave men and women in our nation's military to their deaths based upon blind trust of the decisions of those whom we all know cannot be trusted. It is not my intention to chronicle the various lies and distortions of truth told by members of congress, leaders in the White House and appointees of the president, but rather to lay down the premise that the American public is aware of the fact that we are lied to on a fairly regular basis, yet continue to believe the liars when we are told it is a matter of "national security" or "security" of any kind.

Benjamin Franklin once said that those who sacrifice liberty for a little security deserve neither. Today, the American public has sacrificed not only liberty, but also the lives of those who would willingly die fighting in our defense, for reasons most Americans cannot articulate.

Some say that the United States and Great Britain are justified in our actions against the Islamic people in both Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as any other country in the Middle East or elsewhere around the globe that our leaders propose invading. These folks also claim that the attacks on September 11, 2001 were unprovoked, and were only a small portion of the impending doom that awaits this country unless we first kill those who would kill us.

I respectfully disagree.

In my opinion, these people are wrong.

I believe these folks unwittingly regurgitate propaganda they have swallowed from our government leaders and unknown media sources within the government.

Our leaders lie and we forget.

Our leaders steal and we forget.

Even our media cannot be fully trusted, as it has continually been found to have misreported, understated, overstated, recanted previous reports, ignored information due to political alliances and distorted the truth to serve its own political views and exercise power over leaders. Therefore, its reports must be carefully analyzed with the scrutiny of a skeptic, and compared to other media reports from both this and other countries that report on the same events.

Meanwhile, our leaders sacrifice our sons and daughters on foreign battlefields (Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Russia, Bosnia, Yugoslavia, Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other places) for reasons we cannot reason, much less embrace.

And again...we forget.

Now, these same leaders say we must use our military to attack any nation at which the finger of "terrorism" is pointed. It seems to me that we should know by now what the Founding Fathers of this country knew: The government isn't to be trusted.

If one were to put into a book all of the known lies of our leaders to the American people, as well as those appointed within the government structure, it would take up many volumes.

It is time for Americans to know the truth.

Typically, truth can be found by careful analysis and close scrutiny of historical facts. By ignoring history, we are doomed to repeat it. I chose to do the research and uncover the reasons why our leaders tell us that Islamic doctors, lawyers, psychologists, engineers, architects, and so many other educated and devoutly religious people have attacked this nation and its citizens for seemingly no legitimate reason or rationale.

I checked history for clues and answers to a debate that has been waged in this country since 1990. I chose to know the truth. And before I disclose the truth to you, I offer this one disclaimer: my research has led me to what I believe is an accurate understanding of the role the United States has taken on in the world. I present this research to you not as an indisputable set of facts and figures, but rather as a compilation of information I gathered from numerous sources that offer an illuminating perspective of the current dialogue and propaganda regarding the U.S. War on Terror.

You must make up your own mind and decide what you wish to believe.

The information contained within this book is what I believe. However, I have provided the sources of my information and the historical knowledge I have gained as a backdrop for my conclusion that the United States did not declare war against an unknown enemy defined as "terrorism," but rather has declared war on Islam itself. And unfortunately, I do not believe we will win this war.


In this book I will provide information that puts together the pieces of the puzzle that paint a clear picture that the U.S. Government undermined the democratic government of Iran in 1953 after being persuaded by Great Britain to assist in a covert operation that would bring Iran's massive oil reserves under control of the two western powers.

After losing control of Iran (which America controlled for 26 years) to a revolution in 1979, the U.S. Government moved next door and cultivated a friendship with Saddam Hussein of Iraq, convincing him to invade Iran within months of the U.S. losing control of the oil flow.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Government was simultaneously busy in Afghanistan helping an unknown character by the name of Osama bin Laden, who was leading Muslim warriors in defense of Afghanistan against an invasion by the Soviet Union (1979). In effect, the U.S. Government was assisting Muslims to defend themselves against an invasion by Communists, while instigating a war between two Muslim countries (Iraq and Iran) that would last eight years and cause the deaths of over one million people.

During the involvement of the U.S. Government in Middle East affairs, it was discovered that the U.S. was playing both sides of the fence in its support of both Iraq and Iran, which fueled massive hatred for America throughout the Middle East. We were seen as the "Great Satan" that spoke with a forked tongue.

Our relations with Iraq suffered after the public disclosure of our (and Israel's) treacherous augmentation and continuation of a war between two Muslim countries and we turned to Saudi Arabia to pick up the pace of oil that we lost from both Iran and Iraq. Saudi Arabia, being the very seat of Islam (its headquarters so to speak), was under tremendous pressure from within to distance itself from the United States in 1990.

Yet, only two years after our fallout with Saddam, we were courting both Saddam and Saudi Arabia, even as Iraqi troops lined the Kuwaiti border due to a dispute over oil.

After Iraq's invasion of Kuwait (with our government's permission), the U.S. convinced Saudi Arabia government to allow hundreds of thousands of U.S.-led troops into Saudi Arabia's holy lands in preparation to battle Iraq, a neighboring Muslim nation.

This action by Saudi Arabia's ruling family touched off massive protests within the country and positioned the government of Saudi Arabia as the enemy of Islamic devotees such as Osama bin Laden, who had returned from Afghanistan after the war to find his own country being used by a western power to attack another Muslim nation.

Osama bin Laden at that time (1991) became the enemy of the United States as well as Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Government, undeterred by its trampling over religious grounds and use of the Islamic headquarters to attack a Muslim nation, forced Saddam out of Kuwait and then promptly established military control over both the southern and northern areas of Iraq in 1991, areas it would never relinquish.

During the 90s, the U.S. Government would be attacked time and again by those fighting to remove the U.S. Government from the Middle East. These attacks originated from within Saudi Arabia itself.

And despite the pretext that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia are allies in the War on Terror, our government is well aware that the leadership of the battle that rages to remove the U.S. military from the Middle East is of Saudi origin. After all, Saudi Arabia was created as a protectorate of Islam itself. And if the government of Saudi Arabia has sold the religion for the going price of crude (which is the perspective of many in the Islamic world), the people themselves have risen up (led by a worldwide organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood) to protect what they see as an infiltration by Satan himself.

Thus, the U.S. has created for itself a quagmire in its all-out pursuit of oil in the Middle East.

It is seen as being responsible for creating and supporting brutal dictators in two Muslim countries, Iran and Iraq.

It is viewed as the perpetrator of a Muslim versus Muslim war that killed more than one million people and left millions more injured and homeless.

Osama bin Laden, on the other hand, who left a life of wealth and luxury to fight in Afghanistan as a Muslim Brother, is viewed as a hero. And while the U.S. does its best to rewrite history in the minds of the youth of the Middle East, it is losing the debate over which side is good and bad.

History favors the Muslims. And so do the facts.

In this book, I will provide the history and the facts in order to establish in the minds of Americans and others who read these words how the current War on Terror came to be.

The questions the media will not ask, I will.

The answers you seek to know, regarding all aspects of the War on Terror, are provided in these pages.

In the final analysis, the U.S. Government has a lot for which to answer. But if no one holds it accountable, then it can continue unabated, endangering the lives and welfare of peoples worldwide, as well as sacrificing the lives of courageous and innocent Americans who fight because they are told to fight.

It is our job as a conscientious public to ensure our military fights for the right reasons. And in this case, there are far too many questions that our government has created, and answers our government has skirted, for a single American life to be sacrificed in a war that for all intents and purposes was started specifically from an all-out pursuit of control over oil.

That pursuit has, unfortunately, escalated into a battle against Islam itself, using primarily Christian American men and women as unwitting accomplices in a war of cultures, religion and political ideals between a secular government and a devoutly religious region of the world.

It is a war America will not win.

I do not proclaim that America will not win this war merely because I believe the reason and rationale for the U.S. Government instigating the current War on Terror is flawed. I offer this final conclusion after careful analysis and understanding of the various factors involved in this war. The greatest of which is the fact that my perspective is from a Christian viewpoint and the history of Christianity is as much a history of the relationship between the Jews and God. That history is filled with examples of how God allowed the Jews to be delivered into the hands of their enemies whenever the Jews abandoned their devotion to God.

Since I believe God is a part of the history of the world and plays a part in the rise and fall of all nations and principalities, I am prone to believing that God isn't likely to support a country that denies His existence, declares itself a secular power, and uses immoral and unethical means by which to undermine other nations in pursuit of wealth and power.

America has turned its back on the God it once revered; the same God that helped guide us through tumultuous times and opened the doors of freedom and opportunity even in the face of many unscrupulous political tactics and laws that God helped us to overcome in order to rise as a world power.

A nation that has turned its back on God cannot then presume God will be on its side as it pursues mammon.

I am reminded of the words of Jesus, whose name receives shivers of revulsion when used in America's public domain today. Jesus told us point blank that we cannot serve two masters; we will love one and hate the other.

Those who have declared Americans enemies of Islam readily admit who they serve and worship. The question no one dares ask of the U.S. Government is simply, whom does it serve and what principles and morals guide its decision-making process?

© 2005 Mike Green

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